Friday, July 07, 2006

Family Photos etc...

I've had a couple people e-mail me recently wondering why I haven't posted any pictures of myself or my family on my blog. The reason for this is because I do not want anything that personal plastered up all over the web where anyone (including random, though decidedly friendly New Zealanders) can see who and where we are. It bothers me. Yes, I realize I've put up personal information, but it's all in written, "story-ish" form and has been slightly augmented - meaning, as I'm sure you know by now - that all names have been changed to protect the innocent (and even the not-so-innocent). I'm considering a small web site to accommodate those types of pictures and personal info. Or, maybe I'll just get you all hooked up to Snapfish or Kodak Gallery or some-such system so I can start sharing password-protected pictures like mad. Either way - that's something that I am working on. If you'd like to receive notifications of recently posted pictures, please e-mail me or leave a comment, so I can make sure you're on my "interested" list when I get something figured out. TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the pictures!!! If you share any, please email me!