Thursday, July 06, 2006


Feel like crap, look like crap...don't care. Realized I wore a nice white (work-appropriate) t-shirt to the office today that had some big stain on it from who knows when or where that I didn't notice until supper-time tonight. Hubby & I went to meet our lawyer to take pictures of the intersection where Hubby and our friend, the matriarch of the Clinton Clan, were rear-ended back in 2002. Irritated me. Went through a 3 day trial back in February that was declared a mistrial; wouldn't you think he'd have done that already? He'd never seen the intersection before today. Yeah - gives me lots of confidence going forward. Went to Fazoli's for supper and managed to get two more red spots on my white t-shirt. All-in-all, not a great day. Still living, though, so I guess that's a good thing, huh? TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Cara J. said...

I had one of those days recently, everything I touched fell apart, it was like being followed around by a bid black clound all day. Hopefully the next day is better.