Thursday, November 15, 2007

November 15, 2007

Wow. It's been busy lately! I've been planning a large off-site meeting for all the managers and supervisors at my office...which takes place tomorrow. It's been a somewhat difficult task trying to coordinate everyone who is coming to present, as well as keeping the caterer from panicking. Part of the meeting includes a two-hour presentation on etiquette when dining, so you can impress your business partners and co-workers with your knowledge of which fork should be used for which course, how to appropriately use your napkin, and how to lay your silverware in the "resting" position to indicate that you have finished eating. Ugh. Should be interesting, though. The house is coming along nicely, but slowly. Jamie has been working very hard to put as much stuff away as possible, as he has time between wrangling the kiddos. We've had quite a bit of rain (and wind) lately, and now there are leaves all over our yard - which are wet - which need to be raked up - which we can't do until the leaves are dry. Yay. Greta is still not crawling, but she is doing the belly spin. (You know, she'll be on her belly and she'll arch her back and spin around to see whatever she wants to look at.) She's getting much better at standing - and now does it any time she gets put into her crib. She "hangs out" at the corner with an elbow slung over the railing, which leaves her other arm free to do...well...whatever. I'll have to get a picture of that, because it's quite funny. Charlie is doing wonderfully well. He still loves school. He's a great big brother. He loves having his own room. He is doing very well remembering that his dirty clothes go in the hamper and that he needs to always flush the potty and close the lid. He's also geting better at putting away toys without being asked. Last night, as I tucked him in for bed, I spent about 20 minutes in there just talking with him about the day and what he did in school. He told me agbout making a paper-bag turkey and how he told everyone what he was thankful for. His list is as follows: "I'm thankful for:
  • "My dog and my cat (Note: He doesn't have a cat. Hmmmm?)
  • "Having my own room
  • "Painting my room with chalk board paint (Which we haven't done yet, but are planning to do as soon as we close up that 2nd entrance to his room and paint the rest of the room its regular color.)
  • "Greta, Mommy & Daddy
  • "Food
  • "Chapel on the Hill at Nursery School" (This is how he refers to his school)
  • Anyway - this was all stuff he talked about without being prompted and I thought it was very sweet so I had to share. Hope everyone is doing well! TTFN JMS

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