Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ten Ways... tell if you're the parent of a young child: 1) You open your purse looking for your wallet and have to weed through teething toys, pacifiers, bottle covers, and miniature cars. 2) You always carry diapers and wipes (for the emergency change) even if you're just running to the store for a gallon of milk. 3) There are half-drunk bottles of infant formula, sippy cups of juice, random pieces of half-eaten fruit, and other edibles that have somehow managed to find their way under the seats of your car (or your couch) so that you don't find them until you're desperately searching out where the foul smell is coming from. 4) There are crumbs of unknown substances in, on, and around every surface of your car, your couch, your carpet... 5) You walk through the living room at night, in the dark, step on a small toy and then jump around in pain swearing silently and praying you don't wake up the children who are actually, finally, asleep. 6) You haven't showered in three days. 7) You no longer have an issue with wiping someone else's nose and really getting in there to remove whatever is lodged inside. This does not include the occasional "thing" the child might decide should be there (pea, peanut, Lego) just to see if it "fits". 8) You poke through poop in the toilet hoping to find the object (penny, dime, Lego) that was swallowed 24-48 hours ago and rejoice when it appears! 9) You absolutely cannot leave the house without about three different bags which include things like crackers, extra clothes, juice, toys, food, books, blankeys and a multitude of other little things. These bags are heavy. Pair them with a child that needs to be carried and you've got to be one strong human. 10) You look like you just rolled out of bed every day of the week, even if you spent an hour getting ready, because kids just have a way of doing that to a person. Love 'em anyway, tho. TTFN JMS (Yes, I wrote this - I did not pull it from anywhere else and "repost" it here. My words. From my brain. Scary, eh?)


Anonymous said...

I loved these! You're great... and every one is true, true, true!!!! :) If I gave you every inch of credit you deserve, would you mind if I posted them, too???? I loved this... we could all list these and probably add more to the list.... gotta love being a parent! :)lol

Anonymous said...

Ya, I agree. Your long lost cousin Patrick (who is a cop by the way)
used to do similar things. Like carry home beer cans and bottles to get the deposit money. His room smelled like coors lite all the time.

He did grow up Ok though.

Love, UB