Thursday, April 24, 2008

Writing to write

The other day, someone made a comment to me about the randomness of my thoughts when referring to my blog. I told them, “That’s why I call the blog ‘Random Ramblings’.” Makes perfect sense to me. I can’t help what I think about or what needs to come out when I open up a new, blank document and put my fingers to the keyboard. Sometimes I just sit there with my hands resting on the keys patiently waiting for inspiration to hit, and then feeling more than frustrated when it doesn’t. Sometimes, I think, “Oh...I need to write about that.” (A good example is the post about squeezing the soda bottles.) Sometimes I just write about something fun, or something cute the kids did or said. I have no flow. I have no guidelines. I just write. Most of the time, I don’t have to force it. But, there are times when I do and I write anyway, because to not write would be bad. There are days, sometimes multiple days in a row, when I don’t write anything. That can be either because I’m not feeling inspired and I know that I would be forcing my creativity (whatever), or because I simply don’t have anything to say, or because I’m extra busy and don’t have time. I’ve not really had time lately. You can see that by the fact that most of my recent posts have been rather short...for me. Anyway – today is one of the days when I don’t really have anything to say, but I need to write anyway. Hopefully I haven’t bored you to death. But, I’ve got to write – even nonsense. TTFN JMS

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