Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Park it!

We have dining room chairs now! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! Ok, so I know it's sort of a silly thing to be excited about, but I am. Hubby and I have gone our entire marriage without actual dining chairs so really, it's about time. We've been sitting on GM's wooden, folding funeral chairs forever. While they are nice to have around in case we need emergency extra seating, they're not great as dining chairs. That was not the function for which they were created. They're old, in need of a few minor repairs, and probably could stand to be refinished but still in decent shape. I'm just really, really glad I don't have to park my ever-expanding butt in them any more unless I absolutely have to. Well, I guess I'm done for today. I've got nothing of real interest to say so if you actually read the above, thank you for your time! :) TTFN JMS PS: Little Bit is 16 months old today!

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