Thursday, June 17, 2010


I have an official 1st Grader! Kiddo got excellent marks and comments on his end-of-year report card; he's done so well and Hubby and I are thrilled! The little notation at the bottom next to "Grade recommended for Fall:" was 1st! I don't know why - but that makes me feel good. He is such a smart, loving and wonderful kid and I'm just so proud of him. I can't wait to see how he excels next year. Now if I could only teach him to pick up his room. **** Little Bit is an incredible 3 year old. She has an attitude a mile wide, and a smile to go with it. I suppose she makes up for in attitude, though, what she lacks in size. She may be little, but she's tough, that one. She don't take no crap from no one! (Ugh...that sentence was as hard for me to type as it will be for you grammar nerds to read!) She heads into the "Big Kids" class at Pre-School in the Fall, but she still has 2 years before she can start Kindergarten. I almost wonder if it is worth trying to get her into Kindergarten at 4? Has anyone had any experience with that? She, too, is super smart - and I want to encourage her learning and education, not hold her back and make her bored. I think at 5 years old, Kindergarten might be boring for her, and not a challenge...kind of like it was for Kiddo. **** I'm still working - thank God! The job is a very good one and I'm really enjoying it. I'm busy from the second I set foot in the office until the second I leave at night; they really do keep me hopping. Yes, sometimes it's overwhelming and/or stressful, but I really am loving it. I come home exhausted and nearly dead on my feet most nights - but then the shrieks of, "Mommy's HOME!!!" make all the stress and aches melt away. (SIDE STORY: We had a busy Sunday. When we came home from church, Kiddo, Little Bit and I took a big nap - in my bed. I had one on each side of me, their heads tucked into my shoulders, and we just crashed. It was wonderful.) Anyway, I'm still plugging along. **** Hubby is doing great! He's still doing Massage, and is the best Stay at Home Dad there ever was! He's still tinkering with his 1990 Volvo 240 Wagon; the most recent addition being tri-color tail lights. He replaced Little Bit's baby swing with a big-girl swing; she'll swing forever if given the opportunity. He's lawn-guy extraordinaire. He's just awesome. So I guess that's it for updates. I'll probably have more sometime soon. TTFN JMS

1 comment:

G. B. Miller said...

I can sympathize about the younger one and kindergarten. My youngest (now 9) had to repeat nursery school because she missed the birthday cutoff for kindergarten.

Did her a world of good in that she was head and shoulders beyond everyone else, but otherwise, it really wasn't that challenging for her.