Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Riddle me this…

Why is it that one can spend so much time cleaning/working on something only to have it look worse than when one started? For the last 4 weeks or so, Hubby and I have been slaving away trying to make the disaster area we live in…well…livable. While we have most definitely made progress – the visible signs of our efforts are few; and that does not make me a happy human! We’ve done laundry – piles and piles of laundry. You’d think we owned every article of clothing that has ever been manufactured! And don’t get me started on the tiny washer/dryer stack unit we’re using; which, while it’s wonderful to be able to do laundry at home is no help when tackling the mountain that is threatening to take over our bedroom! Does it ever end? We’ve gotten rid of (sadly) two book shelves, which freed up an enormous amount of space, but managed to clutter things up even more because now we have to find a place for all the stuff we took off the shelves when the Eloquent Educator and the Computer Genius took said shelves to a far off land to begin life anew. Once the shelves were gone, I was inspired to rearrange, much to Hubby’s dismay. I pushed, uprooted, shoved, dismantled, dusted, cleaned & detailed. Hubby disassembled and reassembled the entertainment equipment and various other electronics…twice! He also brought up the newly refinished (and newly scratched) dining room table from the cave we call a basement and set it up in its new home in the “dining” area. It’s amazing – I’d completely forgotten what it’s like to eat dinner at a table in my own home! So there’s the abbreviated version of some of the work we’ve done. Not to mention the time we’ve (ahem…Hubby) spent in the yard trimming bushes, pulling weeds, mowing the grass, and generally making everything spiffy. (We’ve got New Neighbors, who we absolutely adore, and we’ve got to keep our lawn looking like their’s – and no, their last name is not Jones!) All that being said, I’ve come back to my original point; how come we’re not done already? Why is that – do you think? TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Cara J. said...

I actually have two washers now, not that I could actually run them at the same time, or my house might accidentally explode...

With a auto body guru as a significant other, I get about three rounds of clothes out of him for every day. The work uniform, at the end of the day stiff enough with paint and fiberglass dust to literally stand up on end, and the post shower clothes, sometimes add into that mix "Oh, I have to leave the house?" clothes. Not to mention anyone male is incapeable of wearing anything for 5 minutes and then wearing it again... ends up in a heap or in the hamper.

Just think, you have 2 of them now... I'm glad your doing the blog thang...