Thursday, June 01, 2006

A Little “Magic Kingdom” Goes A Long Way

I was driving Kiddo to his sitter’s house this morning and happened to have a very old mix tape that I made years and years ago when I lived in Mystic with The Perpetual Student (before she was a student). On this tape (and I am probably the only living person left in this world who still listens to tapes in the car), the last song on side A is from the movie Aladdin, called “A Friend Like Me”. Well – Kiddo went crazy! He started bouncing around in his car seat, smiling, and laughing and trying to sing along with this goofy song (which, by the way is sung by the great Robin Williams). When it was finished, Kiddo said, “Sing it again, Mommy!” so I, (of course, and who could blame me), rewound it and played it again…and again…and again! Four times we listened to this song and by the time he’d heard it the fourth time, he’d practically memorized it. He’s two! His sitter has the movie and has said that we can borrow it. We may have the beginnings of a Disney fan living in our little home! TTFN JMS

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