Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Ugly Duck and The Great Crested Flycatcher

Well...I posted twice in one day and now I’m posting once in two days...whaddaya think about that? I don’t have very much to say today... so let's talk about birds. We’ve been watching birds lately in a very passive sort of way. New Neighbors have a Great Crested Flycatcher nesting in a birdhouse they placed on one of their trees. Hubby got a couple bird books from the library so we could figure out what it was. No one knew...and now we do! Then I got curious about this really strange looking (I hate to actually call it ugly) duck-type thing we saw at the marina this weekend. It’s ugly, but apparently has a reputation for being a pretty good duck (and I’m not talking food here - I'm talking brains!). I guess that means it's a "smart" duck? Anyway - neither book from the library had anything on this ugly duck - called a Muscovy Duck - so I found it online. I'd like to meet and shake the hand of the person or persons who invented the best search engine in the universe! TTFN JMS Maybe when I dig through the boxes of books we have in the basement, I’ll come across the bird book we actually own...wouldn’t that be something?

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