Saturday, June 03, 2006

Young Friends & Beautiful Days

Though our actual time spent with AKAYP and son today was short, it was a blast. They arrived early, we spent about 20 minutes introducing the boys - who seemed to get along famously right off the bat - and then at Kiddo’s (both of them) request, we headed on down to the park near what passes for the marina here in the Secret City. AKAYP brought Lunchables, drinks, a large, inflatable baseball, a pinwheel, and a bag of (yum!) Sour Cream & Chives chips. We slathered Coppertone WaterBABIES on the Kiddos and sent them on their way through the maze of Playground Land. (Like Candy Land, only real.) It is a beautiful day today, and the boys played for maybe an hour, then we all got together under the shelter for our Lunchables. The entire meal experience went over like a lead balloon because the boys were more interested in the chocolate that came with the meal than the meal itself. (I personally ate all of mine, including the chocolate, and then wished silently that there had been more, even though I wasn’t hungry. Since there wasn’t more - I turned the majority of my attention to the bag of chips. I was amazed to find that there were still some left as we packed up to leave the park!) The boys enjoyed one another’s company - and were both exhausted by the time we went our separate ways. My Kiddo went home and spent a happy 90 minutes getting completely covered in sand while using a small kitchen sifter to get the leaves and other junk out of his sand box, and burying his little plastic armadillo up to its ears. This is the source of much amusement, I suppose. (The armadillo, just so you’ll know, took a shower with us later, too...) After a good nap, and an invitation, Kiddo and I went to play in the pool with the Clinton Clan. After many more slatherings of sunblock, we spent a happy 4 hours in and out of the 80 degree water with some of our very dearest friends. When we finished dinner (KFC, if you must know), we went home and Kiddo went directly to bed. I think we wore him out today...and what a good day it was. (BTW AKAYP, we’ll have to do that again sometime soon. Let’s bring the Hubbies so they can take the boys to throw rocks in the river while we sit around discussing...well...anything.) TTFN JMS

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