Friday, June 02, 2006

Anne of Green Gables & Adoptable Dogs

I’ve got AKAYP bringing her Kiddo to play with my Kiddo tomorrow - and no, I’m not going to clean my house. I have decided she and I are kindred spirits, just like Anne of Green Gables and Diana Barry. It’s rare that you find someone who thinks so closely to the way you think that jumping from one subject to another and back again is totally not an issue and we’re still able to follow the thread of the conversation. She put it perfectly at lunch today (and I’m paraphrasing), "You know, it’s like when you are driving in the car and see something on the side of the road you just have to comment on even though it has nothing to do with the conversation but if you don’t say something right then you’ll forget it and then you’ll be mad. That stuff doesn’t phase us like it does other people!" I almost feel like I’m back in Jr. High School and have found a new BFF where everything is new and fun and we can discuss boys and clothes and makeup and stuff, except we talk about kids, and sales, and money and...real-estate and...grown-up stuff. LOL! (For those of you who are new to these acronyms, BFF = Best Friend Forever and LOL = Laughing Out Loud. Don’t ask me why this is, it just is, OK?) I like writing this way. I think I’ll keep doing it for a while. On to another subject: Dogs. Our New Neighbors have two cute, though decidedly hyperactive, poodles. I’ll call them Yin & Yang for the purposes of this blog - since I’m not using anyone’s true names and since the dogs are black and white, respectively. New Neighbors are also fostering this absolutely adorable, though quite scruffy-looking, mutt (we think she’s part cairn terrier and part schnauzer) who needs a home. No one is exactly sure what her real name is; the people at the fostering agency (S.A.R.G.) dubbed her "Phoebe" and she answers to "Girl". New Neighbors have put it together and are calling her "Phoebe Girl" - which seems to work. Folks, if you are in the market for a wonderful, adult dog who doesn’t need to be house trained, is good with kids, other dogs, men, women, strangers, loves rides in the car, and who is very rarely loud in any way - this is the dog for you. I’d take her home with me in a heartbeat if I thought we could afford it. Yes - I realize she’s a bit funny-looking in these photos, but she’s much cuter in person. If you’re interested in giving her a home where she’ll be loved and well taken care of, please contact S.A.R.G directly and request information on Phoebe. Granted, it’s a lengthy process, but this dog needs a good home - and fast. Any takers? TTFN JMS


Dinah said...

I think I appreciate Anne and Diana's relationship much more now than I did when I first read the book. I long for a kindred spirit!

JMS said...

Dinah - I certainly hope you find one. They're worth their weight in gold! :) Thanks for reading and commenting. JMS