Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Been a long time, eh?

Ok - after about the 50th e-mail from one of my loyal blog enthusiasts asking why I was leaving everyone hanging so long, I've managed to find time where I'm not only awake (a rarity these days), but alone. Hubby & Kiddo went to church tonight for choir practice and play-time respectively. But, however long it's been since I last posted (what, about 2 weeks or more?) this post will be short. I just wanted to share the first pictures of New Baby Shell who's due date is 3/12/07. Pretty exciting, huh? TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ultrasound images are so awesome! This one is especially cool because it's a sneak peek at the newest memeber of the Shell family. Hope you and the fam are doing ok. Let me know if you need anything :-)