Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Ah Ha!

I've just discovered something that I couldn't do before! My network access must have changed at the office because whereas I never used to be able to even VIEW my blog (or anyone else's) I can now not only view, but CREATE! This gives me a great advantage over my exhaustion and lack of motivation to do anything other than eat, bathe Kiddo, put him to bed, and go there myself after I get home at night! Now - I can start blogging again with some regularity because I can do it in 15 minutes during my lunch break! What a concept! (And I'm sure you're all SO thrilled that I will be updating this "thing" that has been so sorely neglected lately.) Anyway - there's SO much that's been going on and I'm going to try not to make this one post as long as the last installment of the HP series (800-something pages I think, but am so looking forward to the final installment! And it had better be over 1000 pages because there's simply NO WAY JKR will be able to wrap things up satisfactorily if it's not that long.) Side notes complete...moving on. Finally starting to feel human again, though this ugly headache has been plaguing me for about 5 days now, and though kind Hubby has spent an hour sweetly/viciously digging at the pressure points in my head, neck and shoulders (which has helped tremendously) I still have this nagging "thing" that won't go away. (Notice that "thing" seems to be my word of the day?) Maybe it's sinuses? Morning sickness (which for me was all day and mostly evening sickness) is quite a bit better, though I'm still tired a lot. I'm at 14+ weeks right now and into the 2nd trimester! How cool is that? We're going on an actual vacation to Holden Beach, NC... We'll be staying at what looks to be a wonderful house on the beach (link shows actual house) and with some good friends. This is very exciting because it's the first actual vacation we've taken in a very long time. Our trip to CT over Christmas in '05 doesn't count because though it was relaxing and fun, it was still a family thing, and we had to fly to get there. I'll be sure to e-mail you all some pictures when we get back. Job is still great, Hubby and Kiddo are both doing fine. Kiddo got up from a nap yesterday and came out of his room saying, "Daddy, I awake now!" and not only was he awake, but he had put his own pants on - all by himself! Getting to be such a big boy! So...hope everyone is doing well. I think that maybe my being able to post at work will be a good thing, but we'll see. TTFN JMS

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