Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Pet peeves...revisited

Yes, I'm back to the Pet Peeve thing again. Please jump in and stop me if you've heard this one before, but I don't think I've blogged about it yet. You know how there are these wonderful inventions called cars, right? And to drive one of these cars, you need learn how, right? You also need someone willing to teach you all the proper rules of the road; someone with X-years of experience behind the wheel. Once you've learned how the car functions, along with the rules and laws of operating a motor vehicle on a public street...you go take a test and if you're lucky, you are awarded a lovely thing called a "Driver's License", right? The Driver's License gives you FREEDOM!!!! That's a word everyone loves. You have now learned how to properly operate the vehicle AND how to obey the rules of the road AND obtained your Driver's License. So how is it that you now KNOW all these things, but still manage to FORGET this little thing called A TURN SIGNAL!!!? In Tennessee, they use the slow down, swing wide THEN turn approach, which makes me absolutely CRAZY!!! Signaling when changing lanes is completely unheard of unless you got your driver's license somewhere other than Tennessee. People must think that because there isn't anyone close enough to care, it doesn't matter - or whatever. Is this just a Tennessee thing? Or have people everywhere forgotten how to use a turn signal? How come cars aren't equipped with megaphones so we can verbally abuse the idiots who do stupid things? Oh, wouldn't the world be fun then?! Just wondering. TTFN JMS


Cara J. said...

Yeah till you yell at the wrong person and end up with a gun in your face!!!!

Cara J. said...

I just had to share:
This lovely little gem is from Dave Barry, one of my favorite authors… Hmm what does that say? Anyhow when I read this line I just couldn’t help but to think of you…
“Richard Jeanne, had a fine idea for improving the quality of motoring experience. You know those irritating drivers who leave their turn signals blinking, sometimes all the way from New York to Cleveland, slowing driving you insane? This irritation would be eliminated by Jeanne’s idea for a new, improved turn signal: ‘After 15 seconds , the car will automatically turn in the direction indicated by the signal.’ Wouldn’t that be great? It would remove at least 200,000 driver from the road in Miami alone.”