Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Dinner w/ Friends, Shopping & Competition (Originally posted February 13, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL Last night, we had dinner with J&EB. (EB is pregnant too, and due one week before I am.) We ate at a local Mexican restaurant, which is always very good. After a lovely dinner with our wonderful friends, Hubby, Kiddo & I went to Sears because I was in search of a new bathrobe. I knew exactly what I wanted and for some reason, Sears came to mind (maybe just because it was the closest store to where we were eating?). Anyway – we got to Sears and guess what? They have maternity clothes! Yes, I know, I only have a few short weeks left, but I’m so big at this point that not much of the maternity stuff I have fits around my middle anymore. Needless to say, I got distracted from my bathrobe search. I scoured the clearance racks, tried on several things, and managed to come away with a comfy pair of black pants that I can wear to work and a cute brown shirt with ¾ sleeves. This is helpful and I like the way these two things fit. It’s a shame most people look at you funny if you wear the same outfit every day. Hubby and Kiddo spent the whole time in the shoe department rearranging the shoes on display and keeping the poor sales girl on her toes. She handled it quite well, however; Kiddo came away with a new friend and Hubby came away with a new pair of Land’s End shoes. (The sweet sales girl was from New York, by the way.) I did look at the bathrobes (since that was my main purpose for going shopping in the first place) and managed to find exactly what I was looking for. The only thing I’m not crazy about, though I really don’t care, is the color; light pink. But the bathrobe is soft and long and just what I wanted. (Yes, I’m already in “Post Baby” in my head...) This brings me to the next part of my story... This morning, I wore my new bathrobe for the first time and it was wonderful! I think, however, I may have some competition for its use. I had it on when I went in to get Kiddo changed and dressed for the day and he immediately stood up, asked me to take off his jammies, and proceeded to hug me several times. “Mommy, you’re soft!” he exclaimed happily. “Yes, I am. Do you like my new bathrobe?” I asked. “Yep, it’s soft. Can I wear it?” He hoped. Well, obviously, he can’t wear it because it will completely drown him in fabric so I said no...but he continued to touch it all morning. At one point, as I was getting my shoes on (a difficult task these days), I looked over, and he had the bathrobe’s sash in his hand and was rubbing it on his cheek with a very content look upon his little face. Am I in trouble? I think he’d rather have the bathrobe than me! TTFN JMS

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