Monday, February 12, 2007

Various (Originally posted February 12, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL Kiddo has decided that getting up at 5AM is a good thing...and something that he should do frequently, regardless of how much sleep he's gotten. Yesterday (Sunday) we kept him up all day and he practically fell asleep in his high-chair at 7:30. Hubby took Kiddo out of his chair, brought him to his chest to cuddle, and he was asleep in less than one minute. Totally was quite comical. At least he waited until 6AM to get up today! On Saturday, my friend SW came over for the day. We spent the first hour and a half catching up because we haven't seen each other in several months. At noon, we trekked next door for a Premier Jewelry Party, which is always fun!!! (If you haven't been to one, I suggest looking for a consultant in your area! Or, you can check out If you are a jewelry fan, like me, then you'll probably appreciate this.) After the party, we went to lunch at Big Ed's - a local pizza place to which SW had never been. Then Kiddo took a nap and SW and I spent the next 2 hours cleaning the disaster Hubby & I call home. We managed to go through all of Kiddo's toys and determine what should be kept for the new baby, what should be tossed or put in a yard-sale pile, and what should be kept because Kiddo still uses it. That in itself was a great relief - but then we tackled several boxes that have been sitting in our living room, and also went through the piles of stuff hiding our dining room table. On top of all that, the laundry was a continuous process. Anyway - after stirring up much dust the place looks entirely different and feels much better. There's still quite a lot of work left to do, but I can definitely see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks SW for all your help, I really couldn't have done it without you! Anyway - after a big, busy day on Saturday, I felt HORRIBLE on Sunday. I totally overdid it and managed to make myself sick inhaling dust and who-knows what else. So I'm now in pain, exhausted, and have a head-cold (or just allergies, who knows). I still am thrilled at how much got done, though...regardless of how terrible I feel. As for the new baby, at the end of this week the pregnancy will be considered full-term!!! YAY! My boss is going to be out of the office all next week, and he said that next week would be a good time for me to have the baby, because he won't be here! LOL! Yeah, like I can plan that!? But you never know. I am just praying that I don't go PAST the due date! Well, I guess that's it for now. TTFN JMS

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