Thursday, April 19, 2007

Work, Sleep & Doctor's (Originally posted April 19, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL Little Bit is officially 6 weeks old today and I’m officially back at work. I am not happy about leaving my kids, even though I know they’re in good hands...Hubby’s. I cried all the way to work yesterday and was on the verge of tears all day, but I got through it by staying busy and managed to accomplish quite a bit. I do wish, however, that our situation was different and I could be the one at home with them. My heart aches when I’m not around them even though sometimes I’d like to tear my hair out when I am around them! We went to a BBQ with J&EB at their church last night. It rained, so everyone made a bee-line for the inside. There was bluegrass music in the gymnasium; EB brought Kiddo in to listen and he had a ball running around and dancing. Kiddo likes fun music with a good beat and bluegrass is definitely fun music! When we got home, I fed Little Bit and while I was doing that, Hubby came home from choir practice and got Kiddo ready for bed and all tucked in. We didn’t hear a word from him until we woke him up at about 6:30 this morning! Then, I got Little Bit ready for bed; she had a full belly, a clean diaper and was all wrapped up warm and sleepy. I laid her in her bassinet at about 10:30 PM and we didn’t hear a sound from her until about 3:30 AM!!! Can you imagine!? Five hours of uninterrupted sleep! The funny part is that Little Bit has spent the better part of the last 6 weeks sleeping in bed with Hubby and me because she didn’t like the bassinet. I swore I’d never let my kids get used to sleeping in bed with us except on the rare occasion when a nightmare or an illness needed special attention; but when it came down to choosing between not sleeping because Little Bit was up every two hours wanting to eat, and sleeping a bit by keeping her in bed with us so I could feed her on demand without too much ado... Well, I think I chose wisely. Little Bit is a good little sleeper when she gets comfortable! When she’s in bed with us (even though I put her to sleep on her back) she rolls over on her side (yes, all by herself) and snuggles her little face into my chest and sleeps...soundly. I love feeling her there and knowing that she feels safe and comfortable; I love listening to the little noises she makes. Well, this morning, after having had so many hours of quality sleep, I woke up and panicked and couldn’t find Little Bit! I thought she was right next to me, snuggled as always, but she wasn’t! Then, I thought maybe she was behind me, between me and Hubby, but she wasn’t! Only then did I remember that she was in her bassinet and I was so surprised and relieved I almost cried! After the initial shock of realizing what time it was, I got up to check to be sure she was still breathing, which, of course, she was. Since I was up, I unplugged and disconnected our dishwasher (portable type) and did a few other small, quiet chores and by the time I got back to the bedroom about 10 minutes later, Little Bit was stirring in her usual “It’s time to feed me, Mommy!” way. So I brought her back to bed with me and we slept comfortably until my alarm went off at 5:30 AM! Anyway – last Tuesday (April 10th) both Little Bit and Kiddo had Doctor’s appointments. Little Bit was scheduled for her 1 month check up and Kiddo was scheduled for his annual check up. We managed to get them both in to see the doctor at the same time, so we only had to make one trip. Little Bit weighed 9lbs, 11oz and was 21.5 inches long! That’s almost 2lbs more than she weighed at birth and 1 full inch longer (if the measurements are correct). Not bad for one month of growing – though it’s no wonder, she eats constantly! Kiddo was almost 28lbs (I thought for sure he’d be heavier) and 35 inches tall! He’s been in the 10th percentile since birth so it looks like he’s going to stay that was for a while. They were both pronounced healthy and we were sent on our way. I’ve had several people ask me what the status is on the house we’re trying to buy so I’ll give you a quick update on that before signing off. R&JE, our friends who are building a new house, tell us that their contractor is still several weeks behind schedule. This has been going on since the end of December, when the house should have been completed. It’s now pushed until probably the end of May before we can purchase and then move in to their old house. RE has told his contractor that not only has his incompetence put R&JE in a bind, it’s also put us in one. I don’t think the contractor really cares, but he’s also put our landlady in a bind, too; until we can give her our 30 day notice, she can’t start showing the place we’re currently renting to new potential renters! AND...we’ll still have to keep paying rent!!! RE has said that he’s going to make sure it doesn’t get pushed past the end of May so if that holds true, it looks like we’ll be home owners in just a few short weeks time. Please wish us luck!!! We’re going to need it! Oh, and if you’re local and want to help us move when the time comes, any volunteers would be most appreciated!!! We can pay you in pizza and ice cold beer!!! TTFN JMS

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