Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Just Whatever... (Originally posted May 9, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL I haven’t really had too much to write about the last few days. I keep opening Word, writing a few sentences and then deleting the entire thing because it was either uninteresting or I just wasn’t feeling inspired. However, because I really want to post something to keep my adoring fans happy (tee hee) – I’ll just write about whatever comes to my mind and post it. Hopefully you won’t be bored to tears. (JC...this is for you) I had a really strange dream the other night. In the dream, I was getting into bed and as I was settling down and pulling the covers up over me, I realized that my feet were touching something soft and furry. As we don’t have any animals that could possibly be under the covers at the bottom of the bed, I was curious and threw the sheets back. There, at the bottom of the bed, was a little red fox! As soon as I tossed back the covers it came snarling at me with its teeth bared. They looked like little white needles and the look in its eyes was murderous. Somehow, I managed to grab its muzzle and stop it from chewing off any of my appendages. All the commotion woke up Hubby and (still dreaming here...) between the two of us, we managed to confine the evil little furry thing inside a greeting card! Yeah – what was THAT all about? Little Bit was two months old on Tuesday (5/8). She’s getting bigger every time I look at her. I see her growth progress more now because I’m not with her 24/7. She has a doctor’s appointment on 5/11 so hopefully we’ll know more about her weight and height then. She’s extremely strong and already has very good control over her neck so her head doesn’t do a lot of bobbing around. She’s trying to stand up already, too! No, I know she’s not really trying to stand, but she’ll push herself up and stand there as long as you’re supporting her under her arms. She loves it when you stand her up and talk to her and gets a big grin which lights up her whole face. She’s a very happy child and we are so lucky!!! Kiddo is doing very well. He’s still being difficult, but it has lessened somewhat. The potty training thing is still not going well, though we had a possible break through the other day. We were at B&TG’s house for that wonderful oyster roast thing (thanks again, Scoop!) and their little son SG, who is Kiddo’s senior by one month, is also potty training. He’s got a little potty chair and during the party, decided that he had to go. He’s wearing pull-ups and so he, on his own, went potty – with Kiddo watching everything. After SG was done, Kiddo said to BG, “I really have to go potty!” and so she helped him get out of his clothes (he was wearing a belt) and he happily went potty. Afterward, BG got him one of SG’s little pull-up and made a big to-do about them being “big boy underpants”. Since then, however, he has expressed absolutely no interest in sitting on the potty at all. Last night, I called B&TG and asked them if they would mind looking after Little Bit for about 45 minutes so I could take Kiddo, by himself, to the park. I really needed some quality time with my little guy and he really needed some quality time with me so it was great to be able to do that – even for a half an hour. The only down side was that he banged his knee pretty badly (bruise, not cut) on one of the stairs at the playground and complained last night and again today that it hurt to walk. I checked him over very carefully to make sure nothing was broken, and we put ice on it as soon as we got home – but he was limping around, dragging his leg and whining about his knee for the rest of the night. I feel bad, because I was right there, and he didn’t fall hard! But we’ll continue to watch it and if we feel it requires a visit to the doctor, we’ll go. One other thing I’d like to throw in is this: Thank you to anyone who has given us a baby gift. I’m in the process of writing thank you notes, and I know it’s no excuse, but with working full-time and then taking care of the kids when I get home, the note-writing is very slow going!!! The other problem is that I have been horrible about writing down who gave us what, so if you don’t get a thank you note, its not because I overlooked you or just didn’t write them, it’s because I’m an idiot and didn’t do what I was supposed to do. Etiquette is just not something I’m very good at and my brain doesn’t seem to be as sharp as it once was. I hope no one is offended by the lack of a note, should that be the case, but please know that we do, deeply, thank you. (Boy – I hope that doesn’t sound like I think it sounds!) Anyway – I guess that’s about it for now. For not having much to say, I feel like I’ve written quite a lot. Hope everyone is doing well. TTFN JMS

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