Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Bits-n-Pieces (Originally posted June 12, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM IVILLAGE So, speaking of negativity, someone threw a rock through the rear window of Hubby's Volvo Wagon night before last. It was parked on the street in front of our little house and someone thought it was great sport to drive down the street chucking rocks through car windows. We were not the only victims that night, but as my Mom Sandy so graciously put it, "Geez, Jen, you can't catch a break, can you?" (Um...no pun intended.) The busted window is covered by insurance, but we have a $100.00 deductible - so we'll have to pay that, but otherwise, it's covered. This is a good thing, because there is a rear defroster in that window and I can guarantee it would be quite expensive to replace if it weren't covered! Hubby spent about 3 hours working on the wagon last night - taking everything out of the back, vacuuming, taping up the broken window inside and out and generally attempting to put things right. The problem is, that there was glass throughout the entire vehicle and some of the things that he had in the wagon were things that we use frequently: the baby's play gym, Hubby's massage chair, our son's car seat, a bag full of extra diapers (which we tossed out for fear of splinters) and so on... We washed what we could and threw out what we had to. Kiddo was very good during this entire process. He sat in his booster seat, ate his dinner without protest, and watched most of Finding Nemo. I looked over at him right around 9:00 and he was practically falling asleep sitting up! After promising that he could finish watching "Nemo" tomorrow, he agreed to be led off to bed. Little Bit was mostly asleep this entire time. She nursed for a while then fell into a deep sleep about the time that Nemo gets captured and dumped in a tank. I carried her off to her bassinet and didn't hear from her until around 10:30 when she wanted to eat...again. She has a really good appetite, that one. So anyway - now we've got a vehicle with a busted rear window and a vehicle that needs to have the steering column replaced...again...because there's something wrong with the one that they just installed! Good grief, are we ever going to get ahead? But, even though things are still proving difficult in the vehicle world, the rest of the world seems OK today. I'm truly trying to maintain a positive outlook! TTFN JMS

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