Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oh my goodness... (Originally posted July 11, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM IVILLAGE ...have things been busy!??! Little Bit is 4 months old now. She had her checkup today and is 25" long and 13lbs, 12oz. Her head and chest are both 16" and everything else looks great! She's in the 75th I guess that's all good news. Our car situation seems to have suddenly changed. Our friends gave (yes gave) us a 1995 Ford Taurus sedan. It has 4 doors, automatic transmission and is in very good condition. It needed a few things to make it truly safe to drive (it's been sitting for a while) but apart from that, our mechanic said it's a good, sound vehicle. Thank God! We'll spend aproximately $1500.00 fixing it up (new breaks, tires, the shifting column has some funky thing where it doesn't line up with its corresponding gear and you have to hunt for gears as you drive, an oil change, a couple lights...usual stuff) and then we're good to go. We should have it back, with all the maintenance and repairs finished, by tomorrow. Thank goodness the mechanic is a good friend of ours, too, or we'd never be able to get it all done! I've wondered aloud at this many times, but how we have managed to find such wonderful friends, I'll never know. S&CS, if you're reading this, I hope you both know how much your gift really means...thank you. The house situation is seems to be dead in the water. I'm extremely disappointed, but in some odd way, a bit relieved, too. Talk about conflicting emotions. On the one hand, I'm disappointed because I had us all moved in, furniture placed and loving the neighbors and neighborhood; on the other hand, there were some strange vibes (for want of another word) that we both have been getting all along and there was a little voice in the back of my head saying, "Um...are you SURE you want to do this?" So while it's not completely outside the realm of possibility that we could still finalize things on that particular house, we're beginning to explore other options...just in case. Kiddo is doing well. He's still fighting us at every turn (he's 3 and he already thinks he knows everything), but mostly everything is going OK. He seems to really enjoy his little sister and makes a point to play with her when we're in the car, sing to her if she's upset (his favorite one is Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star), kiss her good night or good morning and is an all-around fantastic big brother! He even wipes up her little face when she spits up! How's that for love!? Tonight is the last night of house-sitting for some friends of ours in K'Town. We've been here for nearly three weeks (I think) and the family is coming home tomorrow afternoon. They've got this sweet little dog, Tiger, who is still such a puppy - even though I think she's 2 years old now. Though it can be difficult to practically "move in" to another place for this time, it gives us a good opportunity to spread out a bit and stay out of each other's way. The place is probably 2000+ square feet, whereas for comparison our, is only 761 square feet. Quite a difference, eh? Anyway, we'll get everything cleaned up and back to its original state before they come home tomorrow, but tonight will be a lot of work. Speaking of work, I've been extremely busy at the office lately. I just planned an event/meeting (caterer, board room, special hotel, gift baskets and everything) for the VIPs from my office and another top-rated call center. This event finally happened yesterday and everything came off beautifully! Even though I never got a chance to sit down for more than about 20 minutes all day and was completely exhausted at the end of it, I felt very pleased with how everything went. Yay me. Well...I guess that just about sums it up for now. I'm sure I could literally go on forever but I won't bore you. Sorry it's been so long since I have written and I hope that I'll have a chance to do so again much sooner. TTFN JMS PS: Has anyone had the pleasure (or displeasure) of trying the new Microsoft Office 2007? If so, I'd love to hear what you think about it. They just rolled it out in our office yesterday morning and I'm not sure even what I think! PPS: My little sister is getting married on July 27th!!! (I hope that's the right date! If not, I'm sure she'll tell me!) She's being married on the beach in Daytona Beach, FL and I CAN'T GO!!! How disappointed am I? Anyway - just in case anyone is interested (and yes...I want her to have things and she's going to be embarrassed as all get out and I don't care) she and her hubby-to-be are registered at Target and JC Penny. Check 'em out! TARGET: JC PENNY:|7232 I'm done. :) TTFN JMS

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