Wednesday, September 12, 2007

September 12, 2007

Greta is now 6 months old – can you believe it!? She had her 6 month check-up last night and she weighs 16lbs 10oz, and is 26” long. She has a tooth (bottom right central incisor) and is actively cutting more – which means a lot of drool, a slight chin rash, and many unhappy moments. She is still not sleeping through the night, but last night – and I don’t know if it was the infant Tylenol or if she was just extra sleepy from being in pain – she slept from about 9PM until 4AM. Then, she got up, nursed for about 30 minutes, and fell asleep again.

Teething was a non-issue with Charlie; he just all of the sudden had teeth and that was it. This whole, drooling-and-chewing-on-everything-crazy-baby thing is strange for us. She’s still sweet, though and smiles heartily when she sees us.

Charlie started nursery school at Chapel on the Hill a couple weeks ago. We have to remember, it’s not “class” it’s “school” and he will not hesitate to correct us if we slip up. He absolutely loves it! He can move the yellow apple with his name on it from the “Out” board to the “In” board all by himself! He got to take home the “Show & Share” bag (guess where I got the idea from?) for being stillest and the quietest during story time on Friday! Charlie, still and quiet at the same time? Are you sure that’s my child?

In other Charlie news, he is COMPLETELY potty trained and no longer in diapers or pull-ups at all! He figured it out (WHAM!) and in almost 2 months, we have not had one single accident. He doesn’t even need diapers during the night! He’s got about a dozen pairs of various character underpants and is happy to tell anyone who will listen that he’s wearing them.

Charlie is also becoming an artist. He sits at the table and colors or draws for long periods of time, or uses his spiral-bound, lined paper notebook to “make phone calls” – which is just a series of squiggly lines he says is writing. One of these days, though, those squiggly lines will turn into writing!

Jamie’s dad fell and broke his hip a couple days ago. He had a successful surgery to insert a pin and is now recovering. He still is not well otherwise, which might make recovery long and difficult, so any prayers you want to send his way would be most appreciated.

Anyway, there are several other things going on right now, but I am not going to talk about them because, frankly, I’m afraid that I might jinx them or something! I know it’s silly, but there it is.

Hope everyone is doing well! Let me know what you think of the new Shell Family Site!


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