Monday, January 21, 2008

Charlie & Greta

We had a good weekend. On Saturday, Charlie and I were hanging out together in the living room while Greta took a nap; I was folding laundry and he was playing on the floor with one of his trucks. It suddenly occurred to me that I recognized what Charlie was humming quietly to himself as he rolled his vehicle back and forth along the carpet. I asked him, "Hey Bud! Whatcha humming?" "Jeopardy." Says he. Hmmm...? And sure enough...I had heard correctly. My almost four-year-old son was humming the tune to Jeopardy. I cleaned Greta's room yesterday and now it is all nice and neat and organized and I don't want anyone to use it! Of course, I realize that realistically that's not possible, but it is nice to think about. I had intended to clean Charlie's room yesterday, too...but it did not get done for several reasons. One of which is that Charlie spent a significant portion in the day (albeit at different intervals) confined there for various bull-headed offenses. Talk about stubborn! Well, he isn't my son for no reason! Greta is simply cute and sweet. Her much-loved sticky-uppy hair is beginning to lay down and I think that saddens more than a few people. My friend Barb suggested we just cut the very tips of her hair and maybe it will start sticking up again. Greta is as mobile as she can be without being bipedal, but she'll take tentative high-stepping baby steps if she's got a tight grip on your fingers. She's speedy, too - even on all fours! Quick to offer a smile and a laugh, she just brightens anyone's day. She's got 7 teeth (4 up and 3 down). She's learning sign language and already knows the signs for "play" and "more" well enough to do them on her own. She understands more signs if we do them for her, but has yet to master them. The lines of solid communication are beginning to open already and I can see that she's going to be just as chatty as her big brother. She adores her big brother...and I think he kinda likes her, too! Well, I guess that's it for now. Hope everyone had a good weekend, too! TTFN JMS

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