Friday, June 27, 2008

Thing One & Thing Two

Thing One: I asked my friend T. to come to my desk the other day so I could share some of my new pictures with her. She came by when I had ducked out for a restroom break and left me the following note.

So...I was here, but you weren't so I left - what else could I do? Well...I guess I could have stayed and waited, but that would be boring even though I do have coffee and could amuse myself by rifling through your personal belongings. Besides, there's a ladder nearby that I have to walk under a few dozen times... ~T.

I actually came back before she finished writing, but found this note highly amusing anyway, so I thought I'd share it. And yes, there was a ladder nearby; the electricians were putting in a new electrical drop over by my desk to accommodate a new, multi-function copier (yay!). Thing Two: I watched the 1968 version of Romeo and Juliet last night on TCM. I've seen this movie before, but it's been many, many years, and I'd forgotten what a fantastic movie it is. Sad, yes, but then everyone knows the story of The Star-Crossed Lovers so when they meet their young end, it's not surprising. I think I'm going to have to buy this movie to add to my collection. (...Hmmm... I wonder if it's on DVD somewhere?) Kiddo actually watched about 80% of the movie with me, asking me good, insightful (for a four-year-old) questions throughout, and seemed very upset when I told him it was bedtime. (Bedtime came before said Star-Crossed Lovers died.) Of course, I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact that he had to go to bed... I say, start 'em early on the classics. Betcha you were expecting The Cat in the Hat, weren't you? TTFN JMS

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