Monday, August 18, 2008

Cleaning, Dinner with Friends & Loving My Kids

I spent yesterday morning at home cleaning instead of going to church. I felt that the house was beginning to get out of control again and if I didn't take the time to get it under control, it would get out of hand really quickly. I got the living room completely picked up and the dining area mostly done. The laundry was an ongoing process - as always. The bathroom got a quick once-over and I spent a few minutes on Little Bit's room. The kitchen has not been touched yet, but it will be. It will receive a good scouring again this evening when I get home from work. Well...maybe after the kids go to bed - less distraction. Anyway - we had a lovely early dinner at our friend C&S's house. We hadn't seen them in a very long time and I forgot how much I miss having them as neighbors. They live next door to where we lived before we moved last October. (Can you believe it's been almost a year since we bought our house?) The dinner was in honor of Hubby's birthday because they were out of town when we had the party. It was a wonderful dinner and a beautiful evening. We sat outside on their new deck, watched the hummingbirds flit in and out of the trees, and watched the kids play on the porch. At home later, we watched a Go Diego Go movie and then the kids headed off to bed. Little Bit had some trouble settling down so I picked her up and rocked her for about 20 minutes. I sang every soft, soothing song I know - and she sang right along with me. She doesn't have all the words down, but she sure has the tunes! I can almost always tell when she's finally starting to get sleepy because she stops singing the whole song with me and will only occasionally throw in a word or two. If I stop singing and she's still awake, she starts singing to encourage me onward or she says, "Again!" She fell asleep last night tucked in my arms and I spent some time just rocking her and watching her sleep. I cannot believe this is my little baby! She's so big and so active and so smart. She's smart like her big brother. Both my kids are amazing and I just adore them. Hubby is still trying to convince me to have another one, but I really don't want any more. I'm so happy with the two I have and I cannot imagine adding another one to the brood. Not only that, but I am just not a happy pregnant person and I really don't want to go through the process of growing another child again! Is that selfish of me? I love my kids so much it hurts. Well...that was an interesting post. I think I'll stop now before I get really sentimental and start crying. TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Are you sure you don't want another...we can be pregnant together again!!!!

Love ya,
