Friday, August 01, 2008

Screaming Babies and Birthday Parties

I'm going to apologize ahead of time. This is what I'm starting to refer to as a REALLY random JMS post. Have fun! Hubby called me yesterday while I was at work to tell me that he had taken the kids to Chick-fil-A for lunch. Apparently, as soon as they got there, Little Bit started screaming her fool head off in an, "I'm-really-ticked-off-and-I-want-the-entire-world-to-know-it" way - and there was no consoling her. Hubby said he and Kiddo ate as much as they could and then just threw everything away, grabbed the screaming demon-child and left because he could feel the eyes of his fellow restaurant-goers boring holes into his back. His comment to me was: "I didn't think she had it in her to scream that loudly for that long!" He also said that he wished he'd video taped it because it was just an amazing display of pissed-off child. He had taken both kids to the doctor yesterday morning for a check-up. Both kids got a cold during VBS at church last week and have been suffering with stuffy and/or runny noses and coughs since then. The doctor examined them and proclaimed them both in good health, other than the obvious over-abundance of snot. Ears were all OK. No throat issues. Weights and heights both good. (Kiddo is 31.something pounds and Little Bit is 22.something pounds...) Hubby said that he could probably understand Little Bit's screaming fit if she had gotten a shot or something, but since no shots were given, we're still both at a loss at to what was wrong. I think she's probably cutting more molars. After I got home last night, and Hubby left to go to work, I had no issues with either of my children. They were both good as gold and we had a great time! We watched the goofy kids programs on "NOG" and then I carted Little Bit off to bed at 7:30PM. She went down without any problem. Just "Nite nite mommy!" and off she went to Sleepy Land. Kiddo stayed up until 9PM (about an hour later than I would have normally put him in bed) because he'd had a really good nap and didn't get up until around 6PM anyway. He was still awake around 10:30 PM even though he was in bed. I don't know what time he actually fell asleep, but he was dead-to-the-world when I left for work this morning. I'm planning Hubby's 40th birthday party (the party is on Aug. 9 and his actual birthday is the 13th) and since we're going to have it at our house I need to get my butt in gear and do some MAJOR cleaning. I started last night and made a great big dent in the ever-expanding pile of laundry and got the bathroom partially clean. I need to scour and disinfect the kitchen and bathroom, pick up all three bedrooms, and get the living room in order so people have a place to sit. (Maybe I'll rearrange furniture again...?) Anyway - it's busy, busy times at our house. Hope everyone is doing well today! TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suppose either he doesn't read your blogs OR he already knows about the bday party??? Am I invited??? :) I wanna see what it's like to be that old. :) hahaha!