Monday, August 04, 2008

Supermom! Yeah...right!

OK folks, say it with me - Exhausted. I am exhausted today. I am yawning like a champ and can hardly keep my eyes open. So far, no amount of coffee has helped enliven me - it has only assisted me in getting shaky and needing to pee every 20 minutes! I spent the better portion of yesterday cleaning my house - and I worked my tail off! If I didn't lose some weight yesterday, I'd be amazed! I did 2 loads of dishes (which had, shamefully, piled up in the sink until we could hardly run the water!), multiple loads of laundry, got down on my hands and knees with the handle to the Swiffer mop and dug out all the tiny socks, books and toys that had gotten stuck under the couch, I vacuumed, I cleaned the bathroom, I picked up Little Bit's room, I vacuumed some more, I dusted, I did some more laundry... I was everywhere! I was a whirlwind of...well...not efficiency because my ADD took over. For example: I'd be in the living room folding towels and then when I put the towels in the linen closet, I'd see something in the bathroom that needed cleaning and maybe a cup that needed to get brought to the kitchen, so I'd go to the kitchen with the intent of dropping off said cup and the returning to the bathroom, but I'd get started on a load of dishes and then, OH! I need to advance the laundry! And the cycle would start all over again! I was definitely a whirlwind, but of what sort, I have no clue. Oh - and I taught Sunday School at church yesterday morning before the cleaning bug bit me. I was still at it around 10PM when I finally gave up, hit the sack and tried to read, only to find that I couldn't stay awake! Making sure my alarm was properly set I fell asleep and slept all night long. Up again this morning. It's Monday. The start to another fun-filled week. Looking forward to Hubby's birthday party on Saturday. If you want to come, and you know how to get in touch with us, give me a call or send me an email and I'll give you all the details! :) Hmmm...I wonder if a Coca-cola would help!? TTFN JMS

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