Thursday, August 07, 2008

Still cleaning...and stewing

We're still working on getting the house cleaned up and in show-order for Hubby's birthday party on Saturday. It's been quite an undertaking, but we're making significant progress. I think the kitchen can be completed today, and I can start on our bedroom. Our bedroom is the last big project before I can feel comfortable having folks in our house. We're currently in the "clear-a-path-to-the-bed" stage of messiness and I expect I'll have several bags of trash as well as possibly several bags of clothes for Goodwill. Both Kiddo's and Little Bit's rooms are both in good shape and I'm VERY pleased with how well both kids have made an attempt at keeping them clean. Kiddo even tried to get Little Bit to put her books away yesterday. This was an effort in futility because, even though she knew exactly what was being asked of her, she was well into my style of ADD - going from one thing to another and not paying attention to the task at hand. I spent (get this) 2 hours last night cleaning off the table in the kitchen! Two hours! The hunt is still on for Hubby's checkbook which has been lost for months now and I was keeping a careful eye on what I touched, just in case it was the rogue item. I did a load of dishes, two loads of laundry and folded some things that had gotten piled back on my recently-cleared-off couch. We're hoping our friend DW can watch the kids tonight or tomorrow night for a couple of hours so Hubby and I can spend some serious time finalizing everything. Then we have to go shopping. I think, though, that we might leave the shopping for Saturday morning so that everything is fresh. As much work as this has been, I'm totally into it. I'm exhausted and feeling like I could sleep for a week, but I'm OK. There have been a couple of upsets on my side of the family that have put me into a funk, which is probably why I haven't written anything in the last couple of days. But stewing personal emotions aside, I'm doing well. We're all still hanging in there! TTFN JMS

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