Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Loving thoughts & Thanksgiving

There is nothing like holding, and rocking, your babies. No other experience on the planet compares to soothing your child. Or, just watching your child sleep, peacefully, while she unconsciously twirls her hair. I didn't even know she did that! It's amazing the things you find out about your children when you do nothing but take the time to watch them sleep. Now granted, it was somewhat irritating to have to get up every 2 hours last night because she was in her room hollering, "Mommy! Rock me!" and wouldn't stay asleep for any extended period of time. At one point, I scooped her up and brought her with me back into my bed and we snuggled. This is when I noticed she twirls her hair. "Amazing!" I thought to myself, "I thought I was the only one in the family who did that!" She spent most of the time in bed with me squirming and complaining and I finally dumped her (gently, of course) back into her bed. Three times I rocked her this morning from the time she woke me up at 5AM until the time I left for work. I tried very hard to get her back to sleep enough that she wouldn't wake up until a decent hour, leaving Hubby and Kiddo to get some more sleep. But apparently, that was not to be. Hubby called and said that Little Bit woke up probably about the same time I closed the door behind me on my way out this morning. I guess they're both feeling better, though. Now, if only Hubby felt better. I don't think we're going to his mother's house for Thanksgiving...we can't risk getting her sick. The ball is still up in the air, though... Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! TTFN JMS

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