Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Elizabeth Gilbert's Book - Eat, Pray, Love

I'm reading a book I really wasn't sure I'd like. You see, I'm part of 2 book clubs - one a little more formal than the other - and the "formal" club is currently reading Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. It's about one woman's search for balance in her life after a nasty divorce and a bout with severe depression. She travels to Italy to learn the language and to try to remember what pleasure was. She travels to India to learn spiritual devotion. She travels to Indonesia to find the balance she has been lacking. I'm only on page 59 and I've already decided I really like this woman. I like the way she writes. I understand her in ways I never expected. She describes Depression and Loneliness as if they are actual characters; living, breathing, beings that exist in her life. She's funny. She's serious. She has a fantastic way of describing exactly what she was feeling and/or doing at any given moment. Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to make the next book club meeting because Hubby is working and I am not (repeat - NOT) going to drag both kids with me and subject the nice ladies of my book club to the chaos that the kids would bring. But I need to finish the book anyway - and can maybe do that before Thursday (our next meeting) - so that I can email Q (our fearless leader) and give her my two-cents. She can then choose to share my thoughts with the group without me...or not. Only being 59 pages into this book, I'm hoping that it doesn't become a complete sob story that I'm going to wind up hating by the time I'm done. But, so far, it seems that what began as a sad tale, can only end up in enlightenment (literally and figuratively). I'll keep you posted. TTFN JMS

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