Friday, March 13, 2009

Beneficial Massage & Bodywork (a.k.a. Shamless Plug for Hubby!)

Ok - I know he's probably going to call me in 15 minutes and say, "Take that down!" (in the nicest way possible, of course) but I'm going to do this anyway. I guess from time-to-time I feel pulled to put the word out about folks I know who have certain talents or businesses I feel strongly about - strong positive, not strong negative. Ya know? Hubby, as you may or may not know, is a Licensed Massage Therapist! Yes, my husband is a massage therapist folks! I'm such a lucky person! If you live in our area and are looking for a very professional therapist and inviting environment for a massage, you've come to the right place! When you get a chance, check out Beneficial Massage and Bodywork! Happy relaxing! TTFN JMS


Light and Writing said...

Wow! You are a lucky Girl! He's a cutie to boot!

Allie said...

Wow! You are lucky! :) Wish you guys were local. My shoulders have been creeping toward my ears lately, and I haven't found a massage therapist here.