Monday, March 09, 2009

Want Invitations For Less? Let me do 'em!

From time-to-time, I've been called upon to create something for someone else. Most of the time, this creativity comes in the form of doing invitations for some party or other type of celebration. I love's such fun for me and, thankfully, doesn't really take me that long, especially if I have an idea of what the person is looking for. The process usually goes something like this: Friend: I need to do invitations for so & so's something-or-other...but I don't know what to do or where to go and I don't want to spend lots of money. Me: Why don't you tell me what you're looking for, ideas you might have, and I'll see what I can come up with. Then all you have to do is print them, get envelopes and stamps, and send 'em out! Friend: Well, I'm not sure. I just don't think I could get what I want doing it myself, I have to use a reputable printer or some other online thing and create it that way. I just need to see what's out there first. Me: Ok. After you've looked and you've gotten an idea, bring it to me and I can most likely recreate it for you for less than 1/2 what you'd be able to get it for otherwise... Case in point: This is a bridal shower invitation she found online. She decided she really liked it and even went so far as to put one together (the one shown here is actually the online sample - you can click the picture for the site info) to see what it would look like with her wording. This is the bridal shower invitation I recreated, using only the dress graphic she found. We sat together and picked the font and determined the wording. All she needs to do is print them, put them in envelopes and mail them out. (All incriminating information -ha!- has been blacked out to protect the innocent!) How much does this save her? The online invitations are $80.00 plus tax and shipping. She'll save $60.00 doing it on her own...or, I guess I could say my way. After having the "all the stuff I can do" discussion with her, I realized that I have a wealth of knowledge about this kind of thing. I have all kinds of ideas, know where you can get great pre-printed blank invitations so you can do them yourself, know how to recreate pretty much anything like this, etc, etc, etc... She suggested (I'm referring to Pearl, by the way) that I put some of the things I do online and my response was, "OK - I'll start with yours, then!" So here they are. Whaddaya think? TTFN JMS


Victoria said...

Jen, I think it's great that you are so talented! It is also important to let people know what you are able to do for them as how would they know otherwise? Keep the informatuion flowing and this is a great place to do it! VS

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! You are fabulous at this type of thing. Remember you did my wedding invitations about 3 years ago and they were fantastic. You go girl!

Anonymous said...

I heard about a girl (On a Christian Radio program btw) who had an idea for paper.. of all things, like the giftwrapping for weddings, birthday's etc. She started advertising online and doing it out of her home. She had to get a wharehouse after that and hire a staff to keep up with it, but she made something like a million dollars the first year! Sounds like a great idea to me, Jen! Keep up the good work!

G. B. Miller said...

Very nice.

Good way to make extra dollars for yourself.

Light and Writing said...

Oh you did a smashing job Jen! You should keep it up!