Monday, November 29, 2010

Ah...Sunday. (Day of rest?)

I had grand plans for yesterday, and didn't achieve them. OK - some of the cleaning thing got done, but really, Hubby did that...I did not. To be quite honest - I'm having trouble remembering....OH! Right!! Silly me - how soon I forget! My short-term memory is for the birds these days! LOL!. OK - so at church yesterday "my" kids (remember, this includes not only my biological children, but also the children I teach and others whom I love!) sang "Jesus Loves Me" to the entire 11:00AM congregation! They did an awesome job and I am very, very proud of them! Thanks, too, to Mr. Miller - without whom, none of this awesome-ness would be possible! Good form...I say, yes...good form! (wow! where did that come from?) After church we went out to eat and then tried Hobby Lobby (whaddaya know? It's closed on Sundays!) and JoAnn's and A.C. Moore - but to no avail. I have a suspicion we'll find more of the same at Hobby Lobby when we eventually get there...but it's still worth a try. Then we came home and rested some. Got up and ate some. Watched America's Funniest Home Videos and then, after the kids went to bed, I went out to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1!!! It was AWESOME! Tired today, because I didn't get home until after midnight - but it was SO worth it! I guess that's it... TTFN JMS

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