Monday, October 19, 2015

Birthday Weekend

My birthday was a couple of days ago and, a few days prior to that, my family wanted to know what I wanted to do to celebrate.  I couldn’t think of a single thing I wanted to do.   I’d already requested the day off from work, so that, in itself, was a small – restful – celebration.  (Don’t get me wrong, I actually really love my job, but it’s good to take a day off every now and again, if for no other reason than it being Fall Break and wanting to spend time with my family.)  So, I carefully considered what I wanted and came up with: Coffee brought to me in bed (check); a bike ride down by the lake (check); a picnic lunch (check); a round of mini-golf (check; and thanks to a Groupon it was half-price); and dinner at Cheddar’s (check).  To that, my family added going for ice cream (check) and seeing a movie (check).

To top it off, while we were picnicking down by the lake, hubby spotted a bald eagle and we spent some time watching him as he perched in a tree across the water.  That was pretty amazing.  I’d never seen a bald eagle outside of captivity before, and the ones I have seen had been injured in some way as to make them unable to be released back into the wild.  Talk about a majestic birthday gift!

Next year, I think I am going to ask for a pair of super-duper-uber-schmooper binoculars so, if my Birthday Eagle happens to comes back (and you can be sure I’ll be watching), I will be able to see him more closely and clearly.

The kids and I also went to a local festival on Saturday, which was lots and lots of fun, and on Sunday, I spent quite a large portion of the day at church for one thing or another.  I performed two small puppet shows (one, four-minute song, performed at two separate services) and had practice for the full puppet show later that afternoon.  Suffice it to say, my right arm is killing me.  Being involved in the puppet ministry is such fun; a perfectly acceptable way to unleash my inner weird person!

That is all, I think, for today.  I will return to my usual sarcastic, critical, and observational self another day.  I’m not sure you, my beloved readers, could handle too much happy on this blog.


1 comment:

Vilhelm man said...

An excellent week to you!