Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Jim Croce, Rockwell, and Talking Heads

Last time I posted, I told you I'd tell you all about the cats.  Well, I've already posted a few times about Booker and Wendy, so I'll only touch on them, but I will give you an update on the newest fur kid, Archimedes a.k.a. Archie.

Booker the Wonder Kitty (a.k.a. Booker, Boo, and Fat Man, among countless other stupid nicknames) is still 20lbs (though, truthfully, I haven't weighed him lately) and still a sweet boy with approximately two brain cells.  He's extremely vocal and extremely needy and he drools when he's happy.  Boo is now about ten years old and (in my opinion) starting to show his age.  We adopted him from our local shelter in 2016 and they claimed he was two when we got him.  2 + 8 = 10.  (But, I can't "math" so, I might be wrong.)

Wendy Lou (a.k.a. Wendy, Wendel, and Wendelkowsky, among countless other stupid nicknames) is about 8lbs, and she is approximately 17 years old.  She's my princess, my Velcro kitty, my baby girl.  She's wicked smaht (that's for you, Bostonians, though I have no idea why it sounded like that in my head) and sneaky, but she's a sweet, sweet baby.  She's been with us since 2017.  She was adopted (not by us) in 2010 and the shelter folks thought she was probably four.  You do the math.  She might actually be 18 now, I don't know.  (Refer to "math" statement in above paragraph.)

Now - enter Archie.  Hubby found him outside of our house last August.  He was skinny and scared and probably about 12 months old.  He would back himself into a corner and hiss and spit and meow like crazy whenever we saw him, but we both felt it was an "all bark and no bite" situation.  (Watching a little black cat hiss and spit, arch his back and get all puffy made me think we'd picked up a true Halloween kitty!)  Hubby's goal was to get him socialized enough so that we could take him to the vet.  Well, he softened up, became extremely friendly, was (still is) extremely food motivated (I've never seen anything like it), and eventually he went to the vet, got checked over (no diseases, no parasites, perfectly healthy - which was weird for a stray) and was neutered.  Then, right before it got super cold, he came in the house and has been there ever since.

He spent the first several months with us in a very large cage (it took up practically half of our bedroom floor space) because he had trouble socializing with the other fur kids.  Of course, he didn't stay in the cage all the time (we're not monsters) but if he was out in the main house, the other kids were in the bedroom.  It was a juggling act.  It was not only for his own safety, and to get him acclimated to his new situation, but also for the safety of the resident fur kids.

Archie and Boo eventually started doing just fine together, so when Archie was exploring other realms, we left Boo out there to explore with him.  Sometimes there were fisticuffs, but mostly it was annoying little brother to disdainful older brother.

On the flip side, Wendy and Archie still HATE, LOATHE, and DESPISE each other.  She's a scaredy cat by nature so anything new (or loud, or smells weird, or moves too quickly, or possibly looks at her the wrong way) makes her duck and run.  In her mind, this little brother was evil.  And, of course, since she always made (makes) her displeasure known, Archie sees, "Enemy!  Must kill!"  And then the fur flies and the screaming happens.  Oh - the screaming.  Wendy screams even if Archie isn't touching her.  She hates him.  He hates her.  And it was totally stressing her out.  She wasn't eating well, she started to lose weight, her fur was looking straggly - and I'd had it.  She's my baby and, though she's a pain in the ass sometimes, she's old and deserves to feel safe.

So - now Archie and Boo live "outside" our bedroom, and Wendy lives "inside."  She's so much less stressed out.  She's eating well, her fur is back to being it's long, beautiful self, and she's an absolute riot sometimes.  She chases her tail in circles on the bed and gets the zoomies.  Sometimes she seems to wants out of the bedroom but whenever I open the door, Archie is there and he sticks his long arm in the door and starts swiping at her.  Whenever she interacts with Archie (because he's sneaky and FAST and occasionally gets by me when I enter the room) there's still screaming because he still tries to murder-ize her.  I just don't want her getting hurt and Archie is still young and dumb and doesn't know his own strength.  I want to let her out of the room, but I don't trust Archie not to go after her.  He's cornered her under our bed where I can't reach them and started trouble more than once.  I'm not sure she really knows how to fight back other than screaming her fool head off.

I've had people say, "Don't you think you should rehome Archie?" or "Don't you think you should find another place for Wendy?"  NO!  Because they are all family and I absolutely cannot do that to them.  I know it's a struggle and that it isn't an ideal situation for anyone but they're all safe, warm, fed, watered, and loved.  The humans are really the ones who are inconvenienced.  

I don't have much longer to love on my baby girl.  She might live several more years, but she's definitely having trouble with her hips now and, despite the tail chasing and zoomies, she's slowing way, way down.  I coddle her.  I just want her remaining years - however long that may be - to be good ones.  

So, judge me if you will - but I might just judge you back.  Are your fur kids not also your family?  Are you not willing to sacrifice for them the way you might sacrifice for your human kids?  (Ok - maybe not exactly the same, but you get the picture.)  And yes, I realize there are definitely situations where rehoming is the only option, but I do not feel that is the case here.  

So - to recap:

Boo - big and dumb as a man can come.

Wendy - always feel like somebody's watching me.

Archie - psycho killer.



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