Friday, June 02, 2006

Totally Unforgivable ~OR~ I Was Asleep, What Did You Expect?

(All names have been changed to protect the innocent) I received a phone call last night around 10:30 from someone who I thought was a cousin from Michigan. (I have LOTS of cousins.) I was approximately 90% finished with the conversation when I suddenly realized who I was really talking to and was entirely too embarrassed to say so. She was even talking about her husband, calling him by name, and I kept thinking, “That’s Vee’s husband’s name – I didn’t realize we had two men in the family with that name!” It turns out it was Vee…who currently resides in the great state of NY…at least, I think she still lives there! Oh – I’m digging myself deeper and deeper…I might as well just jump in and let someone else fill in the hole! Honestly, I remember about half of the conversation. I know for a fact that she put her husband on the phone and I spoke to him for approximately 30 seconds. I remember that he sounds like a wonderful guy, though I’ve never actually met him. I remember also thinking, “Wow, Vee’s a lucky girl!” Another thing I remember is something about a house near Orlando that was offered as a place to stay should Hubby, Kiddo and I ever decide to go to Disney World. That’s a very definite possibility…but in a few years, after Kiddo gets older. I’d like him to be old enough to remember the trip. Anyway – I’d like to issue an apology to Cousin Vee and her family. If I was rude or unwelcoming at all, it was simply because I was asleep and thoroughly confused! Not that I wanted to be rude, especially (and I remember this clearly) when I said to you, “What are you doing calling me at 10:30?” I’m not rude. Really, I’m not. It was great to talk to you, Vee, even if I don’t really remember the whole conversation. Please call me sometime, say, around 6:00 PM when it’s almost guaranteed that I’ll be home and awake and willing to talk. TTFN JMS (Oh, and I think I’m a lucky girl, too! I love you, Hubby!)

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