Friday, February 23, 2007

Subject Jumping (Originally posted February 23, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL This entry is probably going to be a scattered mess of different thoughts – similar, I believe, to the way I think most of the time. Those of you who are used to my random ramblings will feel right at home at my jumping from subject to subject. We’ve been invited to J&EB’s house this evening for dinner – something I am very much looking forward to. EB, if you’ll recall, is one week ahead of me in her pregnancy so I’m sure we’ll have much to discuss. She is also a fabulous cook. Oh, if I could only be so talented! I hate to cook! Kiddo adores JB and I think JB is rather fond of Kiddo. Not only that, but our dogs could be from the same litter so I think we’ll probably bring her along with us tonight. Tomorrow, my friend SW will be gracing me with her presence again. This time, mainly to make sure that I’m not alone should “something” happen while Hubby is working all day. I’m looking forward to her company and, though Kiddo doesn’t yet know she’s coming, I think he’ll be happy, too. After she left our house last time, he said to me, “Mommy, she’s pretty!” Yes, we already have a little flirt on our hands! Speaking of Kiddo’s being a little flirt; several of us from church have already noted that Kiddo has two girlfriends. One is just a little over a year older than he is and the other is about 2 years younger than he is. It should come clear when he gets a little older as to whether he prefers older or younger women! (Well...we find it funny anyway!) He’s got several sweet old ladies completely wrapped around his little finger as well as most everyone who works in the Nursery. They all LOVE our Kiddo! It’s so nice. My family & Hubby’s family are both going through some very difficult times right now. My father has returned to rehab at the VA to try to gain control over his addiction to alcohol. My sister is smack in the middle of a nasty divorce and a custody battle over her sweet little 2 year old daughter. My Father-in-Law is in the hospital undergoing dialysis for renal failure (and probably other ailments I’m not aware of). My sister-in-law is on medications that are supposed to treat a rare bone disorder she has, but the meds are not doing their job and she spends quite a lot of time in pain. Please, if you will, say a prayer for each one of these people who so desperately need to see a ray of hope and happiness. I know they’ll appreciate do I. If I’m being honest with myself, I have 17 days until my due date. Though, because I’d rather be deluding myself a bit, I’ll be giving birth any day now! It reminds me of when I used to work for a certain company, and those of us there saw the time there as follows: “We have 2 hours and some minutes left...and they we can go home!” Even if the “some minutes” was 59 minutes, effectively bringing our time up to 3 hours, we didn’t use it. For some reason, it was comforting. I’m using the “some minutes” part of that delusion to fuel my current one. Well...I think I’ve jumped around enough for one day. Hope everyone is doing well. I probably won’t write again until Monday so don’t get your hopes up if you haven’t heard anything from the weekend. TTFN JMS

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