Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend Run Down (Originally posted February 26, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL 38 weeks today and still no baby. We’ve had two predictions of our new addition making his or her arrival sometime this week or this coming we’ll see. At this point, anything is possible. There’s a full moon and a lunar eclipse on Saturday, March 3rd which could prove interesting. I don’t know if we’ll be able to see the eclipse, though, and I wonder if that’s a factor...? Friday saw us over at J&EB’s house for dinner. It was chili of the most delicious kind and then homemade (made while we were there) chocolate chip cookies for dessert! They gave us presents for the new little one – all of which are wonderful, but one of which I am very excited about: a sling carrier. I wanted one back in the pregnant-with-Kiddo-days but never did go get one and EB got two at her shower, so she gave one to me. I’m really quite thrilled! They are such wonderful people and I feel blessed every day to know them. Anyway – mostly good weekend all around. My friend SW came over again on Saturday to spend the day with me so that I wouldn’t be alone should I need assistance with anything. She’s always great company and Kiddo really likes her. We did not do any major cleaning or anything, but she did help me get the baby’s bassinet set up – and getting that one thing done makes me feel better for some reason. I spent most of the day working on laundry – always a daunting task in my house – and was able to make a significant dent. I also washed all the bedding from the bassinet; so now it’s all clean and ready for its new occupant! Sunday rolled around and I was exhausted. I tried getting up and started to do a few things, but my mood was foul and I was of no use to anyone so I went back to bed and didn’t get up until 11:45. I then started going through all my clothes to determine what was maternity and what I could get rid of that I don’t wear anymore. I am going to put the maternity stuff aside now and hopefully that will help me make more room in my dressers. Then when Hubby & Kiddo got back from church we went out to get something to eat and then went to the grocery store. ( you really want the breakdown of the entire day.) When we got back home, it was about time for us to go next door to S&CS’s house as we’d been invited over for spaghetti. Dinner at S&CS’s is always lovely as SS is a wonderful cook and they both are just wonderful people. How did we get so lucky as to have such good friends as we do now? I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to get my mother here from Greenville, SC when I go into labor. She doesn’t drive on the highway and therefore cannot drive herself over the mountains. My sister, who lives right next door to her, has offered to drive her as far as Asheville, NC...but then it’s still a bus ride to Knoxville. I’d so love for her to come now, before the baby arrives, but she just recently started working again and it’s really too early for her to take off any significant time. She’ll come when we call her to say, “Baby’s on its way!”, but how long it might take is another story. If she takes the bus, it’s a 10 hour drive – if someone goes to get her, it’s 3.5 hours each way. I guess we’ll just have to play it by ear. Well...I suppose I’ve written enough now to bore anyone to tears. One thing I wanted to mention is that my friend KB had a great idea of something for me to pack in my hospital bag. She is currently expecting her second child as well, and said that when her little one arrives sometime in July (did I get that right?) that she’s going to have a little gift for her oldest one on his first visit to the hospital after the baby is born. The gift will be from the new baby to the older child, to make sure the older child feels included and loved...and I think that’s a wonderful idea. Thanks KB – I hope you don’t mind if I steal your idea! TTFN JMS

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