Monday, March 05, 2007

Monday's Update (Originally posted March 5, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL Nope…no baby yet. I’m sorry I didn’t update this earlier, but, well…I’m supposed to be resting, ya know? Yeah, right. Today, I got to experience Hubby & Kiddo’s Monday routine for the first time. They get up, have breakfast, watch Curious George and Clifford the Big Red Dog on PBS, then they get dressed and go to Story Time at the local library! Story Time is a big, chaotic mess of kids going in about 50 different directions and one young, Scottish guy who attempts to make order out of the chaos by wrangling the 15+ kids and somehow managing to get most of them to pay attention to 3 or 4 stories. Lots of adult/child interaction throughout the stories. There were arts and crafts (Kiddo made a fish out of a paper plate), a little Bichon Frise named Cosmo who lets the kids do just about anything to him and loves it, and more noise than I have heard in a long time. The whole thing was actually quite enjoyable, despite the fact that I was uncomfortable. Then, we went to Chick-fil-A for lunch. Kiddo ate all of his nuggets, some of mine and Hubby’s fries, and almost all of his fruit. By the time we were finished with lunch, I was pretty wiped out. It was about 1:00 in the afternoon, so Hubby drove me home and dropped me off. I took a much-needed nap while Hubby and Kiddo went out again. At some point, though, they came home and Kiddo took a nap, too, though I don’t know when that was. It’s been a decent day – though one where I’ve been praying all day for some sign of labor. Hubby just made a wonderful dinner (entirely from scratch); meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans, carrots & corn, and homemade buckwheat biscuits. I’m stuffed. Kiddo is in the bathtub. Hubby’s cleaning the bathroom. I’m updating my Journal. Hope everyone is well. I’ll keep you all posted. TTFN JMS

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