Thursday, March 01, 2007

News & Other Stuff (Originally posted March 1, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM LIVEJOURNAL As uninspired as I was yesterday, I’ve got all kinds of stuff to talk about today! First of all, baby news. I had an appointment with my doctor yesterday and after the exam he said, “Yup...any day now...good thing I’m on call this weekend.” He gave me a note for my office stating, “Maternity Leave, effective 3/5/07” – so Monday of this coming week is the first day of my leave. Basically, the doctor is expecting me to go into labor sometime very soon, but he said that if I haven’t had the baby by Wednesday of next week (3/7/07) that they would induce labor. That would be only 5 days from the actual due date and it’s only because he knows how uncomfortable I am. So, needless to say, I am very excited, and quite relieved. I guess the relief comes from actually knowing something now. Even if I don’t have an exact date, I have a timeline – which helps. Kiddo’s sitter is officially “on call” for the next week. I (er...we) still have to finish packing my bag, pack Kiddo’s bag, clean out my car, clean the kitchen, change the sheets on our bed, put a bunch of stuff in the basement and clear off the dining room table. Once those things are done, we’ll be as ready as we’ll ever be. Last night we spent a couple hours at church for the Wednesday night supper. Usually, we sit with the same people, K&NM and their adorable little girl CG (who Hubby blames for my current condition as I spent a lot of time holding her when she first arrived), and S&CS, our neighbors. Last night, however, K&NM were late and another couple, with 2 young children (6 years & 21 months) asked if they could sit with us. (I know their first names are S&L and their kids are S & S, respectively – but I can’t for the life of me remember their last name!) Since Hubby was the one who initially clued them in to our church, and we like them immensely, we of course said yes. A quick call to K&NM told us that they were on their way (good, ‘cause I was beginning to worry) and Hubby let them know we might need to perform some “creative seating”. It all worked out OK, though – even though K&NM had to sit at an entirely different table all by themselves. I got up and went over to say hello and give them the news about the baby – but Hubby had already done it. (Hmmm...I wonder when he had time to do that? Where was I? Did he tell them when he called them to find out where they were? What did I miss?) Anyway – they’re thrilled, too! I think K&NM are almost as excited as we are! I want to let my loyal fans know that over the past few weeks, we’ve spent a significant amount of time with K&NM (KM, btw, is the Choir Director at our church) – and that due to some crazy oversight on my part, they have not gotten a mention here in these pages. I hope they’ll accept my apology and forgive me for such a horrible mistake. (I’m grinning as I write this because I know KM is blushing and shaking his head as he reads it.) Everyone is convinced that this baby is a girl – everyone. Well friends and family, there is a 50% chance you’re right...and we still don’t know! I think not knowing the sex of the baby has frustrated everyone else except us. It’s actually become a kind of personal amusement to hear people groan, “ could you not have found out?” or “I could never do that – I need to plan everything!” Wow! It’s amazing how much better I feel just knowing that the end is near. I don’t care about the house, except for the few things I mentioned above – which is another relief. I know who’s going to be watching Kiddo. I know that both my mother and my Mother-in-Law are planning to come for short visits – though hopefully not at the same time because I have no idea where we’ll put them. We may have to borrow rooms from neighbors and friends! Oh – and my Father-in-Law is doing much better! Apparently, his urine was light and clear yesterday, which is very good! The dialysis seems to be doing its job. Thank you for all your prayers. Now if my Sister-in-Law was feeling keep praying for her! Ok...I’m done now. Hope all is well with everyone! TTFN JMS

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