Wednesday, June 06, 2007

We Soldier On (Originally posted June 6, 2007)

TRANSFERRED FROM IVILLAGE I don't know what to write. My sister (not Hannah) is in the hospital recovering from a failed suicide attempt and that has me in an emotional uproar. She's OK, but she's angry and sad. We're all feeling a little confused, and quite a bit hurt. I'm hoping that time and prayer will help her (and us) heal. My car is back in my posession, $600.00 later. I'm grateful to have it back, though, and thank B&TG for allowing us to use their truck. I'm having to borrow from Kiddo's account (he's richer than we are) in order to pay the mechanic. Our landlady hasn't cashed our rent check yet and so we've got to make sure there's money in there for when she does decide to cash it. I guess what I'm saying is that we're working on extremely low fundage these days and it's extremely difficult to function around an almost negative balance. Plus, we're trying to buy that house and after spending $1300.00 on my car in the last month, $350.00 on a home inspection, and a couple hundred dollars on something else I can't remember - we're out. We're done. I'm done. Oh - and we owe the IRS $1000 something!!! Our house is still a mess. I have a headache. What else can I complain about today? I think it's best I quit while I'm behind. TTFN JMS

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