Thursday, April 03, 2008

Daddy's Girl

I'm a little bit upset today because I have a problem. It’s not really a big problem. It’s not anything that anyone can solve, really, but it is bothering me anyway. I want to begin by saying to my husband that I’m not directing this toward him and that I am not in any way upset with him, even though he is part of this problem.

The thing that’s got me upset is that Greta – our sweet little blond-headed, blue-eyed, almost-walking, almost-talking baby – is a Daddy’s Girl. That means that even though she’s happy to see me when I come home from work at night, when she’s done with the hugging and the kissing and the how-was-your-day-ing – she wants Daddy back! She cries big, fat, cheek-staining tears, turns bright red, and reaches her little hands out toward Daddy until he takes her back or until I get far enough away from him with her that she can't see him.

Last night Daddy had to go to choir practice at church. He handed her to me, and as soon as she realized he was leaving, the sobbing began. I walked out on the front deck with her so she could say goodbye to Daddy as he got into the car, and all she did was sob and reach for him. She pointed her little finger in his direction and lunged toward him and just cried her little heart out!

It’s very distressing, and depressing, for the Mommy who’s left behind to deal with the crying. She doesn’t do this when I leave. I know that I work all day and that she spends 90% of her time with Daddy. I know that they’ve formed a bond that far surpasses any bond she and I have made – even though she was breastfed. The bond they've formed is called, "Fun." But it still hurts. I want her to cry for me! I want her to point that little finger in my direction sometimes! It makes me realize how very much I’m missing by being at the office all day.


I think I’ll go have a Coke now – that always makes me feel better.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen!

It is totally natural and normal for a baby girl to have a little extra bond with their Daddy. You have seen how CG runs up to me and screams "DAAAAAADDY" when we are in the church, and other places. Don't hang your head. You have a little extra bond with Charlie. That is natural too.


Love you,