Monday, June 02, 2008

Alone But Busy family is gone and I'm very sad. I miss them terribly. Hubby took the kids up to Virginia to visit his mother for a few days and I have the house to myself. Well, the dog is there, but she's really not much company. I spent last night on the Planet of Laundry. I've made such an enormous dent that I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel! I guess it's because I don't have little hands coming behind me "helping" me fold. That usually ends up in clean clothes on the floor which get stepped on by little feet and therefore have to be washed again. Now I just have to tackle the clothes the dog sleeps on over on my husband's side of the bed! Oh, and put everything away. I do have a plan, though. (I'm getting good at planning, aren't you proud of me?) I plan to finish the laundry and while I wait for loads to be washed and dried, the living room is getting a makeover! Well...sort of. I mean, there's really only so much I can do without another human around to help shove furniture and yet another human to help me set up all the TV and other electronic equipment on the other side of the room. (Maybe I need to call Jofis...he is brawn and brain all in one person and could handle not only the furniture shoving, but also the equipment! Jofis? Are you available?) Then, once the living room is done - I'm tackling the kitchen. I know that really shouldn't take me too long as I did the dishes last night and have been organizing it slowly over the last couple weeks anyway. When the kitchen is done - the kids rooms are gonna get it. Kiddo's toys have exploded all over his room and it seems that no amount of threatening (to lose a favorite toy, to sit in time out, to not get a story at bedtime, to not go outside to play, to not get ice cream...) makes a difference. Little Bit's room is not all that bad - I've just got to organize a few things and change the sheets on her bed. Then...when all of that is said and done - our room needs some serious assistance. But since I'm leaving that for last - I might need to work on it once my family gets back. For now, though, it's me, the dog, HGTV on in the background, and work, work, work. I didn't sleep very well last night, either. It was too quiet in my house. I kept hearing the dog snore, or sneak around the house in her quiet way. She slept in Kiddo's room - and I think on his bed - and didn't grace me with her presence at all last night unless I was forcing her to go outside to pee in the pouring-down rain. (She hates rain.) So now I'm at work and printing away, getting ready for Sr. VP and new Managing Director to arrive. Sr. VP will be here today and new MD will be here tomorrow. Lots to do. It's too bad I'm so tired, otherwise I could be a whirlwind of efficiency today! TTFN JMS PS: Oh, by the way! Little Bit is walking freely on her own now and I think she LOVES it! She's realized that two legs are faster than all fours and she's getting really good at it! It's funny to watch her chase Kiddo around!

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