Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Space, the Final Frontier...

My wonderful, handy-man Hubby installed Kiddo's new space-themed ceiling fan last night! It took him a couple hours and one unexpected trip to Home Depot, but it looks fantastic and works perfectly! If I'm thrilled about it, I can tell you right now that Kiddo is even more so! The other bonus is that now not only does Kiddo have an actual light on the ceiling, I can use the switch at the doorway instead of walking across his room to click on the bedside lamp. The one, lone, ineffective, sticker-laden, old hotel bedside lamp that was, until last night, the only source of light in Kiddo's room - unless you consider the window, but then again, that only works in the daytime. Kiddo, Little Bit and I took a trip to the World of Wally on Sunday (while Hubby was sailing) to get some baby items for a friend who's shower I missed on Saturday. While we were there, I told Kiddo that if he was a good boy, I would allow him $10.00 to get himself a toy. This is something I typically never do - bribe my child into goodness - but at the time, it was just about the only weapon I had available to me. (Unless I wanted to get carted off for Child Abuse for swatting my kid in the middle of an oversize retail outlet.) He quickly began telling me what kind of toys he wanted (all somewhere in the $30-$50 range) and was getting increasingly frustrated at my repeated negative responses. When I was finally satisfied with my baby shower purchases (I'm one of those that has to put a lot of thought into it, up to and including trying to match everything for a "theme",) I carted the children over to the toy section and we wandered up and down the aisles for a little while until we came to the "cheap toy" section. After much debating over which toy was the best, (and silently praying he wouldn't want the plastic recorder) we finally came away with a box of planets to hang from Kiddo's ceiling and a package of glow-in-the-dark stars. (See the theme?) Now that Kiddo has his new ceiling fan, he said to me last night after he finally got tucked into bed, "Oh, Mommy! We forgot to hang my planets and stars!" I responded by telling him that we would hang the planets and stars just as soon as we finished all the other stuff in his room that needed to get done. The next project is closing up that extra door. Anyone want to volunteer to come help?! I can provide refreshments... TTFN JMS

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