Monday, June 09, 2008

They're home!

My family came home Friday evening. Safe. Sound. Happy. They spent a nice week at GM's house and I think Kiddo would have happily stayed there. Hubby worked Friday night and most of the day on Saturday, and then went sailing with a friend on Sunday. He was so excited about going sailing that he was nearly in tears. I figure that he's had both kids all week long and he should definitely go sailing. Kiddo, Little Bit and I had a good day. Kiddo kept wanting to go outside to play, but it was so hot and humid I knew my poor lungs wouldn't last long out there so I enticed him into playing inside, in his room, with his sister. He did a good job until he realized Little Bit was toddling into his room, grabbing a toy (usually some form of ball or car), toddling out of his room and into hers and depositing said toy into her toy bins. Once he figured this out, he began bodily blocking the door to his room so she couldn't get in, which, of course, ended in high-pitched screaming on her part. Eventually we retrieved all Kiddo's missing toys to his satisfaction and all was well with the world again. I think I might try to take them to a splash pad in Knoxville after work tonight...but we'll have to see how it goes. There might be other things going on that require my attention. (Like rubbing some kind of sun burn lotion on Hubby's nearly lobster-red back.) That will teach him to go sailing without me! (Tee hee...) Not that I would have come away from 8 hours on the water any better than he did. I'm just glad he had a good time. TTFN JMS

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