Friday, June 13, 2008

Wants and Wishes

I think I need to rename my blog The I Hate Laundry Blog. Or, what about The I Hate Housework of Any Kind Blog? Or maybe, The I NEED a Housekeeper That Isn't Me Blog. Oh gosh - if I get on the subject of things I need, I might as well mention that I need a new stove, too. And maybe a new washer and dryer? The stove temperature, and more specifically the oven temperature, doesn't match the setting on the knobs. Set it for 300° and it heats to 375°. Set it for 375° and you get 500°. There is no real rhyme or reason to it. My favorite Pampered Chef Large Bar Pan busted into three enormous pieces a couple nights ago because the oven got too hot. So I need a new Bar Pan, too. As for the washer and dryer - they both work just fine, but while I'm on the subject of wanting things I may as well put them on the list, too. I want that new, high-tech, front-loading washer & dryer - in either blue, brown or red. I mean, if I'm wishing for stuff, why not go for gold, right? And a new car. When I was younger, I had a dream about finding something I called a Wish Box. It was a little black thing that looked kind of like a CB Radio handset. There was a microphone/speaker thing on the front face, a black button on one side, and red and green buttons on the other. You would hold down the black button, speak your wish into the microphone, push the green button and "BAM!" your wish would come true. Any wish. If you needed to undo a wish, you followed the same process, but you pushed the red button instead of the green button. (I was young - I admit to no greed nor to any wrong doing in my Dream World.) I had this dream multiple times, and it was always very specific and very detailed. It would have had to be if I can remember it so clearly even now. Always, I remember waking up after the dream and thinking, "Oh, if that could only be true!" I guess there would have to be rules, though. If you've seen Disney's Aladdin and are familiar with the Genie's rules (QUOTE: "Ah, rule number one: I can't kill anybody. So don't ask. Rule two: I can't make anyone fall in love with anyone else. Rule three: I can't bring people back from the dead. It's not a pretty picture. I don't like doing it. Other than that, you got it.") it could be something like that. TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear ya about hating laundry and any sort of cleaning. I personally hate cleaning the bathroom. To perk up your laundry routine, have you ever tried SoapNuts? Totally organic, chemical-free etc, and cheaper than regular detergent. Check it out!