Wednesday, July 23, 2008

VBS and Stubborn Kids

We're in the third day now of Vacation Bible School at church. Last night, Hubby stayed home while I took the kids to VBS. His intent was to mow the lawn, but both weather and lawnmower problems worked against him. He was able to get the front yard done, though, so that's good. I helped out with The Red Group and we had a great time! Kiddo was in my group and spent a majority of the time sitting on my lap and complaining that he didn't want to be there, he wanted to be in the nursery playing with Little Bit. I explained to him that by bringing him to the nursery, it would defeat the purpose of our being there - because what would we be there for then? (I didn't tell him that we'd stay anyway because I was helping.) He dragged his feet through a majority of the evening and only when I told him we were leaving 30 minutes early did he stomp his foot and yell (at the top of his lungs), "NO! I'm not ready to leave yet!" So we stayed. We got to get into, and look around in, the back of an American Red Cross emergency response vehicle - which was really cool, if I do say so myself. I think a lot of the kids didn't quite understand the purpose, but it was interesting for me to see a little bit of how they do what they do. Then we went into the gym and played Duck, Duck, Goose. There was lots of noise and running. Kiddo either didn't understand what was going on, or how to play, or he just plain didn't want to participate (which is my guess) and didn't jump up to run when he was "Goose'd." The poor kid who "Goose'd" him started running, and then realized she wasn't being chased and looked completely lost as to what to do next. They told her to start over. Then we went down to the Fellowship Hall for crafts and made tongue-depressor picture frames. Kiddo went a little glue/stick crazy and one of the girls had to help him - but it all worked out in the end. Then, for the finale - there was lots of music and dancing and clapping and singing. I think, by that time, Kiddo was actually having fun and this was why he didn't want to leave when the girls from the nursery brought Little Bit to me. She danced and danced and flirted with some of the little boys. The little boys made faces at her and chased her around all in an attempt to get her to laugh at them. I thought this whole process was quite amusing and very, very cute. Getting the kids to bed was easy, but getting them to sleep was the hard part! They were both so wound up I thought we'd never have silence! Then, once Little Bit was asleep, and Kiddo was quietly laying in his bed, I got on the computer and looked at a funny cat site for about 40 minutes, which had me laughing so hard I was crying! It managed to bring Kiddo into the room to find out what was going on. I think he thought something was wrong with Mommy, but when he found out I was laughing, he wanted to know what I was laughing at. Remember, this is now almost 10:30 PM! I ushered him right back to bed and explained that I loved him dearly, but that if he didn't go to sleep in the next five minutes, he was going to be in big trouble. You betcha! Five minutes later, he was out like a light. Ah...the empty threats of parents that only work when the kids are really little. TTFN JMS

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