Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hubby's Birthday Dinner

Last night, Hubby and I were able to get a friend to watch the kids for a couple of hours - so he begged off from Choir Practice (with the Director's permission...and blessing...) and we went to dinner, just the two of us. Since it was his birthday dinner, he got to choose the restaurant and he picked Rafferty's - one of his favorite places. It was a lovely, quiet dinner. It's funny how we seem to not know what to talk about when the kids aren't around. At one point, I asked him, "So, what do we talk about?" We were both at a loss. We ate until we were both almost sick (which I was, later) and then drove through every single car lot between the restaurant and the sitter's house. We're in the market for either a Honda Oddessy or a Toyota Sienna (yes, we're attempting to become a mini-van family) and so this was a venture I was all for. We went into Gander Mountain and poked around for a few minutes, and bought the dog a bed so we could pick up the blankets she's been sleeping on and actually wash and use them for a change! Then we headed back over to the sitter's house to get the kids. They had played hard and were very obviously tired, though it was only 7:00PM. After we got home, the kids and I watched Dora the Explorer (Little Bit LOVES Dora - anything Dora is always good and puts her in a happy frame of mind. I think I might even need to decorate her room with Dora once Winnie-the-Pooh comes down.) and Go Diego Go and then ushered Little Bit off to bed. As I mentioned earlier, I wasn't really feeling well and so I went to lay down for a few minutes before putting Kiddo to bed. Kiddo wanted to come up in the big bed with me so we snuggled for a few minutes and then we both fell asleep! It was right about 8PM! Sometime later I woke up and moved Kiddo back to his own room and then got back into bed and slept the entire rest of the night! I woke up this morning at 6:45 (LATE!!!) and still managed to get a full shower and be to work on time! It was a nice night, totally uneventful and devoid of stress! Hopefully all the sleep I got will help me be a productive human at work today! TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm glad to hear that you guys had a chance to "go on a date" together.

It's important to do that stuff. Remember, (I can talk cuz I've been married to AC or 30 yrs) you grow together or you grow appart!

Love, UB