Monday, August 11, 2008

Hubby's Party

I yanked 3 gray hairs out of my head this morning! I think it's stress. We managed to get our house clean and it looks beautiful! Now the challenge will be to keep it that way! GM came early and helped out some toward the end rush by Swiffering the floors and keeping an eye on the kids for us as Hubby and I ran around like the proverbial chicken without a head. The living room actually looks decent and put-together - not just a random assembling of furniture, it actually has a plan and a flow; a feat of which I am quite proud. The kitchen was organized and sparkling - I could almost see myself in the sink! The bathroom had a good scrubbing and I had hung three lovely hand-towels from the bar; even the toilet was disinfected and sparkly! I scrubbed the kitchen floor three times - of course, now that it has been trampled on by multiple sets of feet, it needs scrubbing again, but I don't care. The food was fantastic! We had hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers and a wonderful variety of side-dishes provided by all the attendees. Everything was SO good! Thank you to everyone who cooked. (EB, you'll need to give me the recipe for that broccoli casserole!) I need to say a special thank you to my friend SW who not only came early, but helped out afterward by bringing stuff in and cleaning up! I couldn't have done it without you! Hubby had a great time and he even had a visit from some special old friends whom he has not seen since our wedding! Though he was happy as could be with everyone who attended, I think he was especially pleased to see them because it has now been nearly 8 years since he last saw them! Hubby got kicked off the grill by MD and JB and was told to go socialize - a gift which he accepted without hesitation. Kiddo and Little Bit were absolutely wonderful - and neither of them had a nap! Kiddo had several of his little friends there so he was in heaven. Hubby put new play sand in the turtle sand box and so all the kids were crowded in sifting sand and moving earth with Kiddo's bulldozer and dump truck. When I put Little Bit to bed, she fell asleep almost immediately and we let Kiddo stay up until 9, but when he did get to bed, he was sound asleep inside of 5 minutes! SW stayed until 9ish - after we put Kiddo to bed - and then went on her way. She's getting ready to move to upstate NY so this may be the last time we all see her for a while. I'm going to miss her terribly; she's become a very, very good friend over the last 4 years. Anyway - we had a fantastic day! TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It looked wonderful. You guys did an awesome job... your house looked so clean it made me jealous that I had to come home to my UNclean house. Thanks for having us!