Friday, August 08, 2008

Lake, Work, Cake, Cleaning, 80's Fashion and Family Conversations

I drove by the lake this morning and it was so beautiful I had to turn around and take a picture. I haven't loaded the picture yet, but when I do, I'll post it here because it is worth sharing. I took a half-day at work today and left at 12:30PM so I could get some more work done in the house. Hubby met me at work, transferred the kids into my car, and went to pick up the two dining chairs that were back ordered, and then was headed to Sam's club to get supplies for his own party! I just ordered the cake. Hope those folks who are coming like chocolate on chocolate!!! I've managed to get both kids in bed and am praying that they actually sleep for a little while. That will give me an opportunity to get the kitchen finalized!!! I've made HUGE leaps of progress in there and can't wait to see it sparkle! Today was 80's day at work and it was really funny to see everyone dressed up in the horrible fashion that was that era. I made an effort to dress up, but really it was just hair and jewelry because I don't have any of my bad 80's clothes left! I wore all my mom's old silver and cloisonne bangle bracelets, my red-leather band watch, a lovely silver cuff bracelet my Father-in-Law gave me a few years ago, and put my hair up in a high-side pony-tail! It was awful! Thank goodness I don't have any pictures to prove it! Last night I had a wonderful conversation with AC about life and family and realized how much I didn't know about certain things. Our subjects jumped all over the place and it was nice to speak to someone who thinks similarly to the way I do. And, even though we kept running the conversation in circles, we always were able to follow one another! It's so great to finally be in touch with my family again! Anyway - I guess that's all for now. I'm going to go clean! Wish me luck! TTFN JMS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Your family of origin loves you too! We miss you and hope that you're doing well down there. You picked a really nice state to live in BTW.

Love UB and AC

PS. I get all my Civil war stuff from there (and GA too -- but mostly TN.)